Monday, January 22, 2018

Review: The Handbook by Jim Benton

The HandbookThe Handbook by Jim Benton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

When Jack's neighbors decide to retire and move to Florida, they leave a tempting pile of trash by the curb. Jack doesn't know what he expects to find, but it certainly isn't The Secret Parent's Handbook. Jack and his friends Mike and Maggie use their newly found knowledge to flip the script on their parents. Summer is certainly looking up...until agents show up looking for the book.

The kids' summer takes a turn for the worst when they get caught between two groups -- The Parents Agency and The Resistance -- who are looking to secure The Handbook.

The Handbook is an entertaining read with a great premise. The dialogue is laugh-out-loud funny and the middle grade relationships between Jack and his friends are wonderful. At its heart, The Handbook attempts to build some bridges between parents and their kids...despite the terrible rules parents sometimes impose.

View all my reviews

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