Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Reaching Readers: Summertime Activity Books + GIVEAWAY

Summer is in full swing, Kidliterati readers! And while we're all busy swimming, playing, camping, beaching... eating lots of popsicles and cold lemonade, sometimes a good ole fashioned activity and a bit of quiet time is *just* what the gods of summer ordered. Maybe you're even finding yourself a little bored...


If that's the case (as it is in my house), we've got 'cha covered! Here's a couple of fun, quirky, educational (shh!), and interactive books to get you through that summer downtown.

Also, there's a GIVEAWAY for a copy of both of these books at the end of the post, so don't forget to enter!

First up is one of our fave author/illustrators, Mike Lowery and his latest, The Kid's Awesome Activity Book:

Pure interactive fun between two covers! A book that begs to be doodled in with 96 wacky prompts, games, and crafts, and adorable creatures to boot, The Kid’s Awesome Activity Book is packed with activities that take delightful twists and turns, inviting kids to design, draw, and dream—and encouraging creativity on and off the page. Enter an ancient cave to decode a mummy’s message. 

Find your way through a beehive maze. Write a song for a cat rock band. Design a personalized spaceship—and so much more. Plus, plenty of goodies to return to again and again for hands-on play: paper dolls, finger puppets, bonus stickers, and a giant pullout poster designed to kindle curious minds and active imaginations.

A great boredom-buster for travel or rainy days, and a fun birthday or holiday gift. From the author and illustrator of the Doodle Adventures® series and based on the Kid’s Awesome Activity Calendar, the book showcases Lowery’s inimitable quirky style and humor that clicks with all ages—get the whole family in on the fun!

A few sneak peeks of some of our Amazing Activities (artwork by Ainsley, 14yo; Sierra, 12yo):


Next up? Hint:



Turn This Book Into a Beehive by four-time Emmy Award–winning writer for Bill Nye the Science Guy, Lynn Brunelle:

Yes, you read that correctly! The book jacket ACTUALLY can be turned into a real, live beehive!

What a promise! Actually, promises. First, here’s a book that teaches kids all about the fascinating world of bees. Second, fun exercises, activities, and illustrations engage the imagination and offer a deeper understanding of bee life and bee behavior. Third, by following a few simple steps including removing the book’s cover and taping it together, readers can transform the book into an actual living home for backyard bees. Fourth, added all together,Turn This Book Into a Beehive! lets kids make a difference in the world—building a home where bees can thrive is one small but critical step in reversing the alarming trend of dwindling bee populations.

Written by Lynn Brunelle, author of Pop Bottle Science, whose gift for making science fun earned her four Emmy Awards as a writer for Bill Nye the Science Guy, Turn This Book Into a Beehive!introduces kids to the amazing mason bee, a non-aggressive, non-stinging super-pollinator that does the work of over 100 honeybees. Mason bees usually live in hollow reeds or holes in wood, but here’s how to make a home just for them: Tear out the perforated paper—each illustrated as a different room in a house—roll the sheets into tubes, enclose the tubes using the book’s cover, and hang the structure outside. The bees will arrive, pack mud into the tubes, and begin pollinating all the plants in your backyard.

Twenty experiments and activities reveal even more about bees—how to smell like a bee, understand the role of flowers and pollen, learn how bees communicate with each other through “dance,” and more. It’s the real buzz on bees, delivered in the most ingenious and interactive way.

Sneak peek:




  1. "What's your favorite summer activity?" Skippin' stones and moseying about!

  2. Swimming and hiking! These books look wonderful. Thanks!

  3. My favorite summer activity is walking on the beach.

  4. Mine is staying out of the heat and reading. I let my daughter handle outside activities with my grandchildren. It's just too hot for me to be outside in the summers in Florida.

    1. I followed Mike Lowery on Instagram as feerthedragon64


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